PLES Newsletter 10-19-22

Thu, 10/20/2022 - 4:11pm

     Important Dates

October 20             6pm Food Pantry

October 21             No School - Professional Work Day

October 24             No School - Professional Learning Day

October 25             PTA Dine-Out Night at Roma’s Pizza

October 26             PLES Flu Shot Clinic 

October 27             6pm PTA Trunk-or-Treat

November 2            End of 1st Quarter - 3 Hour Early Dismissal - 12:20pm Dismissal Time

November 4            Fall Field Day - More info to Come


From the Principal. . .

Dear Phelps Luck Families, 

We still have many families who have not filled out the Free and Reduced Meals form.  We encourage all families to complete the form ASAP to see if you qualify.  This supports our Title I status and provides needed funds to our school.  The info for completing the form is below.


Michelle M. Leader


School News

Family File Information

Every year HCPSS parents must complete a Family File (electronic emergency card) for each child. HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. The Family File for this year is now available.  Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, and can do so by logging in to HCPSS Connect and selecting the “More Options'' tab on the left and then clicking on “Family File” from the list.  If your child was in an HCPSS school in previous years, you only need to update any changes.  Please update/provide the info ASAP.  Thank you!!!


Once logged in, you will be asked to update or provide the following information:

  • Student Information
  • Parent/Guardian Contact
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Medical Information
  • Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
  • Photo Approval
  • Data Confidentiality
  • PTA/PTSA Directory

Free and Reduced Priced Meals                                                                                    

Please complete the form at the link below to apply for free or reduced priced lunch for your child.  We will continue to have free breakfast for everyone this year; however, lunch is not free anymore unless you qualify.  Lunch will cost $2.80 this year.

Individual Picture Day

We had our individual picture day earlier this week.  You can still order school pictures on-line at and use the code:  PLESF22.  You can order on-line or send in a check or cash with the order form that was sent home.  Orders will be accepted through next week.  This is a fundraiser for our school.  Please consider purchasing a package!  Thank you!!! 


The yearbook team is excited to announce a yearbook cover contest! Grades kindergarten through second will be competing for the back cover of the yearbook. Grades third through fifth will be competing for the front cover. This application will let YOU have a chance to create a yearbook cover for the 2022-23 school yearbook 


  • Markers
  • Sharpie
  • Colored pencils
  • Digital art
  • 8.5’ 11’ inch paper

Crayons and Paint are NOT ALLOWED.


Have your child hand in this form and their drawing submission to their homeroom teacher or to the main office attn. Ms. L. Jones. Digital submissions can be shared with Please submit all art by November 11, 2022.

Veteran’s Day Tribute

In honor of Veteran’s Day this year, PLES would like to remember and pay tribute to veterans of our students.  If you are a veteran, or have a veteran in the family, please send a digital photograph of the person, their name, their military branch, their relation to the student, the student’s name and the student’s grade.  Please email Mrs. Stairs at by October 26th as she is collecting the photographs and information.  Once the photographs are put together, she will share out the video that will be shared with students on Veteran’s Day.  

Candy for the Courageous:

Please bring any extra unopened Halloween candy to school in a ziplock bag between Nov 1-4, 2022.  We will be giving the candy to the USO at BWI airport, so that they can give it to our troops before they travel overseas.  Feel free to also write letters/cards to the troops, which will be given to our military.  Thank you!

Community Center Parking:

Please refrain from parking in the parking lot at the community center that is next to PLES any time throughout the day.  The parking there is for the community center and is not intended for our families.  The community center may have cars towed if needed.  Thank you for your assistance!

School Lunch Update:

We wanted to highlight that there are many new menu items this year.  In addition, the salad bar is open again, which includes various fresh fruits and vegetables.  One change is that pizza is NOT an option every day like it has been in the past.  Be sure to check out the menu at to assist your child with knowing the choices. Please note, that due to various food shortages, adjustments may have to be made to the daily choices.  It is a good idea to discuss a first choice and second choice with your child in case one of the noted choices is not available that day.

Student Clothing, Lunchboxes, and Water Bottles

Each year, we have many items in our Lost and Found.  At times, the pile is HUGE!  Please consider labeling all of their clothing, lunchbox and water bottle.  This helps us to return items to the children.  

Please have your child visit the bench in the front lobby to collect any of their belongings.  Thank you!


HCPSS Calendar

Please use the links below to access the HCPSS calendar for the year.  It includes all days that students do not attend school.  Please note that school starts for Kindergarten through Grade 5 on Monday, August 29th and PK begins on Thursday, September 1st.

Opting In to School Text Messages

If you wish to “opt-in” to receive PLES and HCPSS texts with emergency information or reminders, please follow the directions below:

Send a text to the number: 67587

Text “Yes” in the message.

Reply “Yes” when prompted if you want to “opt-in”.

Student Absences

Just a reminder that parents/guardians must turn in a note if the child is absent.  The note needs to include the student’s name, date absent, reason for absence, and parent/guardian signature.  We also accept these notes through an email address.  Please email with the same information if you prefer this format.  All notes need to be submitted/turned in within 2 days of the student returning to school.

Outdoor Eating

HCPSS has outdoor eating again this year.  If you wish for your child to eat outdoors when weather and supervision permits, please email Mrs. Leader at  We add students to begin on Mondays.

PLES School Counselor Support

The counseling team is providing the opportunity for you to refer your student to talk to a school counselor.  If your student is experiencing something at home, struggling with school, or could just use an adult connection, please feel free to complete the Request for Counseling Services form .  We are here to support your students with anything that may be getting in the way of their learning and being the best falcon they can be.  Once the form is completed, counselors will connect with you and your student, as they are able.  Please feel free to contact Andrea Stremmel, School Counselor, at 410.313.6886 or with any questions or concerns.

HCPSS Code of Conduct

The HCPSS Student Code of Conduct provides a framework to support behavioral goals and disciplinary policies. While students are expected to be aware of and abide by this Student Code of Conduct, we all play a part in ensuring our school is a safe place where all students can learn. We look to partner together as families and school staff to support the social-emotional skill development of our students. We thank you in advance for your partnership in working together to create a safe learning environment for all of our students. Please learn more about the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct by clicking the link below:


HCPSS Student Code of Conduct


Community Partners

The HCPSS Educational Partnerships 2021-2022 Annual Report has just been released. Each school’s partners are listed, as well as system wide (at-large), curricular and program office partnerships. The report highlights the vital role partners play to help students achieve success in life, wherever their path may lead.  


News from the PTA 

Clothing Bin

Our Clothing Bin is still accessible all school year long!  Please feel free to donate any items to our Clothing Bin in our school parking lot.  This is a fundraiser and supports our PTA!  Please place all items in a closed trash bag before placing the bag in the bin.  Thank you!!!


From the Community

Here is a list of resources for you to access:


Columbia Community Care

This group gives out food at the Long Reach Village Center, Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, and Oakland Mills Middle School on Wednesdays from 5-8pm and Saturdays 10:30am-1:30pm.  If you need food delivered fill out the form for food and they can deliver or you may have someone pick up for you as well. 



Form for food:

OMHS Food Pantry

The OMHS Food Pantry is open the last Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted, from 3:00 - 5:00pm. You will need to bring a photo ID. Please do not arrive prior to 2:30pm to allow for student dismissal. Also, please remain in your car and a volunteer will come to your vehicle.   More info can be found at the link below:


The Food Pantry will be open on the following dates:


  • October 26, 2022
  • November 16, 2022
  • December 21, 2022
  • January 25, 2023
  • February 22, 2023
  • March 29, 2023
  • April 26, 2023
  • May 31, 2023
  • June 23, 2023
  • July 26, 2023

Howard Lions' Pride Second Annual Craft Fair

Sunday, November 6th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Howard High School. Our 100+ vendors will be selling crafts, books, candles, kitchen goods, jewelry, home decor, clothing, accessories, and much more! General Info link:

We are still accepting craft and food truck vendors, so please spread the word and this link:

 School’s Out Ninja Day Camps!  

Did you know? HCPSS will be closed 10/5, 10/21, 10/24, 11/8, and other days throughout the school year.  Make sure to reserve your child’s spot in our business partners' - "School’s Out Ninja Day Camp".  The Okinawan Karate Dojo has you covered from 9 AM to 4 PM (with before/after care available 8a-6p)!  OKD's year-round camps are action-packed, tons of fun, and keep kids happy, entertained, challenged and moving all day!  Not only that, they are licensed as a Child Care Provider by the state of Maryland.  The staff is highly trained and certified to give your child a safe, enriching, and AWESOME, camp experience!  Voted #1 Martial Arts School in HoCo and one of the best ChildCare Providers in 2020 and 2021, this will be OKD's 23rd annual camp season! Find additional information about the camp, online registration, FREE karate offer, COVID safety policies, and MORE at: Space is Limited. Questions? Call: 443 574 8999 or Email:

New HCPSS Community News and Programs Site: 

In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.  Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at