Maryland begins full implementation of the new Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) state assessments in reading and math for grades 3, 4 and 5 this March.  Please see the dates below so you are aware of the days your child will be testing. Please don’t schedule appointments in the morning on these dates. All students are required to take this assessment so it is very important that your child be at school to take the test.   From MSDE (Maryland State Department of Education):MSDE’s PARCC 30-Day Countdown launched on Monday, February 2nd. Testing for the new PARCC exams begin for most Maryland students in grades 3 through high school in early March 2015. As schools begin gearing up for the tests, MSDE is launching an intensive, month-long campaign aimed at helping parents become more familiar with PARCC and what to expect. Beginning on February 2nd, new PARCC resources and information will be released daily via MSDE’s Facebook and Twitter feeds, and on MSDE’s new Prepare for PARCC webpage – where you will find our best resources for parents, including a new video message from Dr. Lowery.  

PARCC Testing Schedule - Spring 2015

Tuesday, May 5                   Wednesday, May 6             Friday, May 8

Ms. McCann (AM)                    Ms. Fleck (AM)                         Ms. McCann (PM)

Ms. Sacks (AM)                        Ms. Crockett (AM)                   Ms. Sacks (PM)

Ms. Fleck (AM)                         Ms. Gray (AM)                         Ms. Smith (PM)

Ms. Crockett (AM)                   Ms. Quinn (PM)                        Ms. Crockett (PM)

Ms Gray (AM)                          Ms. Leess (PM)                        Ms. Gray (PM)

Ms. Quinn (AM)                       Mr. Milton (PM)                        Ms. Giles (AM)            

Ms. Leess (AM)                        Ms. Menton (PM)                     Ms. Rembert (AM)

Mr. Milton (AM)


Monday, May 11                 Tuesday, May 12                Wednesday, May 13

Ms. Crockett (PM)                   Ms. Schroeder (AM)                Ms. Schroeder (PM)

Ms. Gray (PM)                         Ms. Lardner (AM)                    Ms. Lardner (PM)

Ms. Schroeder (AM)                Ms. Rembert (PM)                   Ms. Rembert (PM)

Ms. Lardner (AM)

Ms. Giles (AM)                         Thursday, May 14

Ms. Rembert (AM)                   Ms. Schroeder (PM)

                                                Ms. Lardner (PM)

  To find out more about the PARCC test, visit the HCPSS webpage.  At the bottom of the page there are several resources to practice with your children.