From the Principal . . . 2/8/18

Dear Phelps Luck Families,
    As you know, the flu and virus season is upon us!  We have had many students out for illnesses.  Just a reminder, your child needs to be well and fever free without medication for at least 24 hours before coming back to school.  This will help us limit the spread of germs.  Also, if your child is out sick, please remember to send in a note the day they return.    
    In addition, we are asking that parents send in a note to their child’s teacher is there is a change in their child’s dismissal procedures on any day.  This allows us to ensure the change is made.  Several parents have been using Dojo or e-mail to communicate dismissal procedures and the teacher may not see the info before dismissal.  Sending notes helps us ensure your child’s safety.
    Last, we have been scheduling a variety of field trips for our students that will occur over the next couple of months.  The cost of the trips and buses continues to increase each year.  If you would like to make a donation to our field trip fund to support the cost for students, please send in a check made out to “PLES” to the front office.  Please list “field trip donation” on the memo line.  We appreciate any amount you can donate!

Michelle M. Leader