School News
New Student/PK/K Registration:
Parents/guardians of new incoming students and those entering kindergarten in the 2020-2021 school year (who are not already enrolled) are able to begin the enrollment process online. Go to and scroll down to the enroll section. Once completed, we will contact you to set up a google meet to check your ID. At this time, you will need to upload all of your documents. If you have a long lease/deed document, we only need the first 2 and last 2 pages (showing address and signatures) at the time of registration. We will ask for the balance of pages when we are back in the school building.
A reminder that only custodial parents/guardians may register the child/ren.
Quarter 4 Grading Clarifications
We wanted to remind parents of the grading procedures that we are using during this time of distance learning and provide you with specific requirements for passing grades.
All grades are a PASS or INCOMPLETE for the 4th Quarter.
To earn a PASSING grade, a student must complete 50% of the activities throughout this distance learning window. Clearly, we would like students to complete all of the assigned work each week, but understand that this may be difficult which is why there is flexibility built into the grading. Our goal is that ALL students can earn a PASSING grade by completing at least 50% of the work. (Below is what at least 50% means during this distance learning time.)
Grading Based on Time Requirements
*Math - Dreambox - Engage for at least 263 minutes or 37 minutes a week.
*Language Arts - LexiaCore - Engage for at least 263 minutes or 37 minutes a week.
Grading Based on Pressing the Complete Button on Canvas
*Social Studies - Complete at least 3 out of 6 tasks posted between 5/4 - 6/12.
*Science - Complete at least 3 out of the 6 tasks posted between 5/4 - 6/12.
*Health - Complete at least 3 out of the 6 tasks posted between 5/4 - 6/12.
*Related Arts - Complete at least 2 out of the 5 tasks in EACH class (art, PE, music, media) posted between 5/11 - 6/12.
HCPSS Elementary School Counseling Connection Newsletter:
The HCPSS Elementary School Counseling Connection Newsletter is a great resource for students and parents to read together. Included in this new issue of the School Counseling Connection newsletter are great self-care ideas and fun activities for home.
Resources for Families:
Please see the link below to resources from the Howard County Government. There is information on grocery delivery for the elderly and/or unable to travel are in English,and Spanish. There is also information on accessing other resources, such as medical, cash, energy bill, or food access, in Spanish and English. Emergency Resources for Families
Ongoing Support for Children and Families
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, both children and adults are experiencing challenges, which may be different for each person. It is important to monitor children's mental health and emotional well-being. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) outlines strategies for talking to children about COVID-19 and supporting their mental health. Learn more about NASP's recommendations and how you can reach out to your school for help.