Materials Drop Off & Pick Up

Dear families,

In preparation for the 2020-2021 school year, we want to share information related to the collection of materials still in your possession from last year and the distribution of new materials for use this school year. Our collection/distribution date will be Thursday, September 3rd. All families will need to come to PLES to get materials on this day.

Please know that our number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of every student, staff and family member during this process. We ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Students and parents/guardians should remain in their cars during drop-off and pick-up of materials. Please have a sign to hold up that states your child’s first and last name and grade for 2020-2021. We will put items in your backseat or your trunk.

2. Students and parents/guardians who will walk/bike to the school should also adhere to social distancing expectations throughout the process and will be directed by HCPSS staff upon arrival.

3. Students and parents/guardians must wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times.


Materials Drop Off

Materials must be returned to the school they were borrowed from (i.e. the student’s 2019-2020 school). It is up to the discretion of each HCPSS school to set collection and distribution dates. All materials returned will sit for a four-day period as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prior to being inventoried. If your child attended a different school last year, please go to that school’s website to view their collection plan.


If your child attended our school last year, we anticipate you may have media books to return. There will be a station on September 3rd where Mrs. Greene, one of our media specialists, will collect the books and any other items you need to turn in from your back seat or trunk.


Materials Pick Up

All students attending PLES this year will need to pick up materials at our school based on the schedule below. The following items will be given out: chrome books to students who did not receive one in the spring, curriculum materials for virtual learning, and school supplies if students are in need of them. If you have more than one child, you may choose which grade’s time to come to school.


Please follow the directions of the staff assisting. You will come down Oldstone Court, go into the car loop and then follow around to go into the bus loop. The stations for distributing and collecting materials will be in the bus loop.

September 3rd:

8:00-9:00am Pre-Kindergarten

9:00-10:00am Kindergarten

10:00-11:00am First Grade

11:00-12:00pm Second Grade

12:00-1:00pm Third Grade

1:00-2:00pm Fourth Grade

2:00-3:00pm Fifth Grade


Thank you for your collaboration in this process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at should you have any questions.



Michelle Leader
