Important Dates
October 22 PLES Field Day – See info below!
October 26 School Picture Day – See info below!
October 28 6:30-7:30pm PTA Trunk-or-Treat – See info below!
October 29 PLES Field Day – Rain Date
November 3 End of Quarter 1
7:00pm PTA Meeting via Zoom
November 4 No School – Staff Work Day
November 8 Conference Scheduling Begins – More Info to Come
PTA Dine-Out Night at Coal Fire
November 10 Report Cards Issued
6:00-7:00pm Food Pantry
From the Principal. . .
Dear Phelps Luck Families,
We will have our first ever Fall Field Day this Friday, October 22nd. Just a reminder, per HCPSS policy, only vaccinated volunteers who have signed up ahead of time may attend this event and assist. We are not allowed to have any spectators for this event. Thank you!
In order to be inclusive of all families’ beliefs, we have not celebrated Halloween during the school day since 2017. Each team will have Fall Fun activities and communicate plans and the date with you. If you wish to participate in a Halloween event, please join us on Thursday, October 28th for our annual PTA Trunk-or-Treat!
We currently have 96% of our Family File updates completed! AMAZING!!!! We need 100%! If you haven’t updated your child’s emergency info, please see the section below and update it ASAP! Thank you!
Michelle M. Leader
School News
School Picture Day – October 26th:
Fliers will be sent home this week with info about our upcoming Picture Day on Tuesday, October 26th. You can order by sending in the envelope with your payment or by ordering on-line. To order on-line go to and put in the code: PLESF21
Family File Information
Every year HCPSS parents must complete a Family File (electronic emergency card) for each child. HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, and can do so by logging in to HCPSS Connect and selecting the “More Options” tab on the left and then clicking on “Family File” from the list. If your child was in an HCPSS school in previous years, you only need to update any changes. Please update/provide the info ASAP! Thank you!!!
Opting In to Text Messages
Text Messaging
How can I opt-in to receiving text messages?
Text the work “YES” to 67587 from the wireless device you wish to receive texts on.
I received a text message that says if from SchoolMessenger. What does it mean?
An opt in invitation message was sent by HCPSS using SchoolMessenger from 67587 and said:
Howard County Public Schools alerts. Reply Y for approx. 5 msgs/mo. Txt HELP 4 info. Msg&data rates may apply. See
To continue receiving text messages, reply with Y. If you don’t reply, you will not receive any future text alerts from School Messenger, the HCPSS News service provider. Text alerts include weather-related closings and emergency information.
Field Day – October 22nd
Friday, October 22nd is Field Day! We are excited to host this event for our students.
Field Day Class Colors
Again this year, we are encouraging students to all wear their Field Day class colors. Students do not need to go out and buy new clothes. If they have a t-shirt in their class color, please wear it on Friday, October 22nd or they are welcome to wear PLES spirit wear. Class colors are:
5th – Red
4th – Blue
3rd – Yellow
2nd – Green
1st – White
Kindergarten – Red
Pre-K - Blue
Candy for the Courageous
Donate your extra wrapped Halloween candy to our military troops worldwide!
Please bring any extra unopened Halloween candy to school in Ziploc bag between Nov 1-5, 2021. We will be giving the candy to the USO at BWI airport, so that they can give it to our troops before they travel overseas. Feel free to also write letters/cards to the troops, which will be given to our military. Ziploc bags of candy and/or cards can be dropped off in the front office.
Community Center Next to PLES
Please do not park in the community center next PLES during morning drop off or afternoon pick-up. This is not part of our school property and the people using the facility have been unable to find parking there. We appreciate your assistance!
Free and Reduced Meals Information
Each year, families are required to complete the Free and Reduced Meals application. Information can be found at the link below:
Dear 5th Grade Families! We are so excited to announce the 5th Grade Battle of the Books sponsored by the HC Library! Look for information to come home in the Thursday folder. Students will learn about the program during their Media class starting 9/23. Information on the HC Library website will be updated soon.
SPECIAL FAQs Students form a team of 3-5 other PLES 5th Grade students to read a preselected/provided set of 10 books. Students will need to find a family grown-up to coach and coordinate their book club. If your student is interested but needs help finding a team, please ask them to talk to Mrs. Greene or Mrs. Anderson in the Media Center (and fill out their interest form). If you are willing to coach or would like more information, please attend the virtual meeting (zoom link on the HC Library website coming soon) on October 19th @7pm. Please remember, this book club is FOR FUN and optional. Let the Battle Begin!
PLES Partners
The HCPSS Educational Partnerships 2020-2021 Annual Report has been released. Each school’s partners are listed, as well as system wide (at-large), curricular and program office partnerships. The report demonstrates how partners work to make Howard County a thriving community that cares for all of its members. Thank you to our PLES partners!
GT Programs at PLES
Did you know that Gifted and Talented programs mean more than just advanced math classes? There are four different aspects of GT programs at our schools:
1. Curriculum Extension Units (CEUs) - These units are interdisciplinary and provide advanced level content for students ready for higher level instruction. These units parallel curriculum regularly occurring in the classroom, but students are invited to join a separate group to explore topics and ideas above and beyond the standard curriculum. CEUs may be science or social studies based. CEUs are offered in grades 2 - 5. Right now the 5th grade CEU is taking place. CEUs for 2nd - 4th grades will start in the second quarter.
2. Primary Talent Development - This aspect of GT programming is for ALL kindergarteners and 1st graders. Our amazing GT resource teachers, Ms. Fleck and Ms. Jones, get to visit all kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms, generally once each month, and introduce creative and analytical reasoning skills. Lessons will start the week of October 18 and will focus on growing your brain and the power of mistakes.
3. GT Instructional Seminars - These awesome seminars are open to ALL students - you may have heard about some of them from your student already! Seminars are offered as an optional program during one or two recess periods each week. Ms. Fleck is currently running a Weather Watchers seminar for 4th and 5th graders. After the first two weeks, participating students will begin reporting the weather on the morning announcements with Ms. Stremmel! Other 4th grade seminars include Art Escape and Codebreakers programs and other 5th grade seminars include Scrabble and Dash, which is coding for robots. Ms. Jones is currently working with second and third graders. Second grade is learning how to Bee a Pollinator Protector and third graders are exploring board and card games to learn how to work together.
4. GT 4th/5th grade math - Ok, this is the advanced math class you might be thinking of! We have groups of 4th and 5th grade students that complete 6th and 7th grade math by the time they graduate from PLES. Advanced math is taught by Ms. Fleck.
If you have any questions about our GT programs, don't hesitate to reach out to our amazing teachers!
To learn more about GT Program offerings in the HCPSS, please visit:
Elementary School Gifted and Talented Program – HCPSS
You can also contact these county-level resources:
Debbi Blum, Coordinator,
Karen Saunderson, Resource Teacher,
Ginnie Gick, Technical Assistant,
Curious about what is going on in GT at PLES? Follow us on twitter!
HCPSS Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee Update:
The slides from the GT Program Overview sessions (elementary and secondary) are now available on the GT Family Involvement page on the HCPSS website.
The Navigating College Admissions Sessions for students in grades 9-12 and their families will be on Tuesday, November 9 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. Families do need to register in advance. The full HCPSS News posting is available at
Want to learn more about stream restoration projects and their impact on Columbia? Come out to a virtual education session on Tuesday, October 26 at 7pm to learn all about these projects and how they benefit our community. You can also join CA and WSSI on Tuesday, November 2 at 6-8:30pm, for a more detailed overview of the upcoming stream restoration effort in Long Reach. Register at streamrestoration.
News from the PTA
Come celebrate Halloween with the PLES PTA at our Trunk or Treat: Thursday, October 28 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. -- with an optional costume parade at 7 p.m. Decorated trunks will be located in the car loop of the Phelps Luck Elementary School. Children MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by an adult. Walking to the event is highly encouraged since parking will be limited. If driving, please park along High Tor Hill. If you are interested in decorating your trunk, contact If you wish to donate candy, please send it in with your child and/or drop it off at the school's front office.
Info Fliers:
Clothing Bin
Our Clothing Bin is still accessible all year long! Please feel free to donate any items to our Clothing Bin in our school parking lot. This is a fundraiser and supports our PTA! Please place all items in a closed trash bag before placing the bag in the bin. Thank you!!!
From the Community
Columbia Community Care
Columbia Community Care is here to help families right within our own community. Sites are open weekly to offer food and personal items to anyone who needs them. If you are able to donate to help your neighbors in need, donations are gladly accepted, and very much needed.
The 3 CCC sites are open for food distribution and donation drop-off at the following locations and times:
Site Hours:
Saturdays – 10:00 am – Noon (Volunteers and donation drop-off begins at 9:00 am). To volunteer at a site, please go to for sign-up information.
Site Locations:
- Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Road, Columbia, 21044
- Oakland Mills Middle School, 9540 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia, 21045
- Long Reach Village Center, 8775 Cloudleap Court, Suite 109, Columbia, 21045
Form for Food
OMHS Food Pantry
The OMHS Food Pantry is from 3:00—5:00 pm on the dates below. If you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurity, please come to our contact free pickup at 9410 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia. All you need to bring is a photo ID.
October 27
November 17
December 22
January 26
February 23
March 30
April 27
May 25
June 29
New HCPSS Community News and Programs Site
In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations. Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at
School’s Out Ninja Day Camps!
HCPSS will be closed Sept 7 & 16, Oct 15, Nov 4, and Dec 23. Make sure to reserve your child’s spot with our business partner - The Okinawan Karate Dojo! The OKD’s "School’s Out Ninja Day Camp" has you covered from 9 AM to 4 PM, or 8 AM to 6 PM (with available before/after care)! OKD's year-round camps are action-packed, tons of fun, and will keep your kids happy, entertained, challenged and moving all day! Not only that, they are licensed as a Child Care Provider by the state of Maryland. The staff is highly trained and certified to give your child a safe, enriching, AWESOME, COVID-safe camp experience! Voted #1 Martial Arts School in HoCo and one of the best ChildCare Providers in 2021, this will be OKD's 22nd annual camp season! Find additional information about the camp, online registration, and OKD's COVID safety policy at: Space is Limited. Questions? Call: 443 574 8999 or Email: