Falcon Newsletter 9/22/22

Due to the lower number of available  computers during testing the following schedule will need to be followed and all makeup tests to be done with only grade level computers:


Grade 1 testing -  Week of 9/19 - May need to borrow a few from grade 2

Grade 2 testing - Week of 9/27 -  May need to borrow a few from grade 1 

Grade 3 - 9/28 - All grade 3 Chromebooks + Kindergarten Chromebooks

Grade 4 - 10/3 - All grade 4 Chromebooks + Grade 2 Chromebooks

Grade 5 -10/3  - All Grade 5 Chromebooks + Grade 1 Chromebooks


The day before grade level testing, grade level (receiving) paras will need to push the computer labs from additional computers to their area.   The last day of testing, grade level paras will need to return the computers back to their original location.  


All computers must be kept charged during the testing period.