Parent Involvement Survey

Parent Involvement Survey

In your child’s Thursday Folder last week there was a survey that we are asking every family to complete to provide input for future school events.  Please complete and return by Friday, June 10th.  There is also a link below for you to take the survey online, if you choose.  If the link does not work, please copy and paste the URL into a webpage.


This survey helps us create events that are meaningful to our families and community. An example of an event created this year was the Family Math Series. This series was created after hearing feedback from the community about the new math curriculum.


This survey also helps us determine the time (days and hours) that is most convenient for our families and community.  For example, we start after 6:30 pm to accommodate for dinner and homework, but end by 8:00 pm so parents can help their children get ready for bed.


If you have any questions or would like to provide more feedback, please visit our website at Title I information and contacts can be found under the Family Involvement/Title I tab.


Thank you for your continued support, feedback, and understanding. We look forward to hearing from you!