Kindergarten and Pre-K Registration Ongoing

Kindergarten and Pre-K Registration Ongoing

If your child is to start Kindergarten in August you still have a chance to register!  Your student must be 5 by September 1, 2016 for kindergarten, and 4 by September 1, 2016 for pre-kindergarten.  Please come to PLES between 9:30 – 2:30, and bring the following:


Child’s evidence of birth

An authorized record of immunizations

Proof of residency in the form of a lease or deed and a utility bill

Photo ID of parent/guardian

Proof of custody (if applicable)


Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides.  Information on neighborhood schools can be found through School Locator ( on the school system web site or by calling the Public Information Office at 410-313-6682.  If you know of a family with a kindergarten aged child, please pass on this information.