From the P.T.A. 4/29/20

This year we will be celebrating Staff Appreciation Week virtually! We are really excited about the
online "KudoBoard" that we will create as a school for ALL of our staff. Using the link below you can
post messages and/or upload pictures or videos for ANY staff member. We want to fill up this

Kudoboard with lots of love for our awesome staff at PLES. We encourage you to make a post for each
Staff member you want to thank!

Adding to the Kudoboard is very easy! Simply click the link below and when it opens you click "Add To
Board." There you can enter your message and/or upload a picture or video if you would like. Please
add to this board by Tuesday, May 5th! You can make as many additions to the board as you would like.
Thank you for taking the time to appreciate our staff!