Falcon Newsletter 12 - 8 - 21


     Important Dates

December 15                  3 Hour Early Dismissal – Dismissal Begins at 12:20pm

December 16                  6:30pm PTA Virtual Secret Shop (see info below)

December 20                  Spirit Day:  Warm Hat Day

December 21                  Spirit Day:  Winter Activity Day

December 22                  Spirit Day:  Pajama Day

December 23 - January 2  Winter Break

January 5                       7pm PTA Meeting



From the Principal. . .

Dear Phelps Luck Families,


This fall many students have elected to eat school meals in the outdoor dining tent that was put in place at each HCPSS elementary school as an additional health safeguard during the pandemic. Now that winter is on our doorstep, and we expect to have much colder temperatures and precipitation, the tents be removed for the winter months, December through February. Our PLES tent was removed earlier this week. This is necessary to ensure the safety of our students and staff, because the tents are not designed to sustain heavy snow, wind or ice accumulation; they cannot be safely heated, and lowering the sides that are currently left open would not allow adequate outdoor air ventilation to occur.

HCPSS plans to reinstall the tents outside all elementary schools at the beginning of March 2022, with the specific timing dependent on weather conditions.

We will continue to use the same outdoor space at our school throughout the winter months where students may eat their meals as weather conditions allow. As a reminder, please send your child to school dressed appropriately for weather conditions, especially if they are signed up to eat lunch outdoors. If you wish to have your child begin eating indoors, please email me at michelle_leader@hcpss.org.

Thank you for your support and collaboration in ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment for all students. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



Michelle M. Leader



School News

Community Center Next to PLES

Please do not park in the community center next PLES during morning drop off or afternoon pick-up.  This is not part of our school property and the people using the facility have been unable to find parking there. The community center has alerted us that they will begin ticketing and towing cars.  We appreciate your assistance!

Community Academy: The Council of Elders of the Black Community in Howard County (TCOE) in collaboration with the Howard County Public School System will host a TCOE Community Academy on Social Emotional Well-Being on Saturday, December 11 from 9-10:30 a.m. The session will identify behaviors that affect a child’s social emotional well-being and strategies to openly discuss suicide prevention and mental health awareness. Registration is required at: https://tinyurl.com/52kyt6d3. Flyers are located here. Please contact Ashley Armstead with questions. 

Impact Aid Forms:

Parents/guardians who work on a federal property in Maryland and/or are a member of a uniformed service can qualify to receive additional federal funding by completing an Impact Aid form by Dec. 31. Impact Aid supplements the HCPSS operating budget to enhance the teaching and learning that takes place in Howard County classrooms.


PLES Multicultural Survey:

PLES Families, we would like to recognize and provide a place for all of the cultures within our building. Students love to see their culture represented at school and we are hoping to display the flags of the countries that showcase their backgrounds. Please fill out the one question survey so we can continue to enhance the diversity at Phelps Luck! If you have any questions, please reach out to Andrea Stremmel (andrea_stremmel@hcpss.org) or Jessica Kempner (jessica_kempner@hcpss.org). Please complete the survey at the link below by January 3rd, 2022! Thank you!




GT Program Highlighted by HCPSS!!!

Our own Kelly Fleck, PLES G/T Resource Teacher, was highlighted along with some of our students in a recent article about GT Primary Development and Instructional Seminars.  #PLESProud




Young Author’s Contest:

The Howard County Literacy Association invites writers in Grades 1 - 5 to submit an original short story or poem for the Elementary School Young Authors’ Contest 2021-22! Submissions, along with a cover sheet, are due by January 20, 2022. For more important details, contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Carolyn Williams, PLES Reading Specialist (carolyn_williams@hcpss.org).


Canvas Inbox for Students: Effective November 22, the capability for elementary students to message each other within the Canvas Inbox was turned off. However, elementary students will be able to continue using the inbox to communicate with their teachers. Since elementary students are back in a face-to-face setting, there is limited need for this use. 


Job Opportunity:

If you love children and would like to work at our school as a one-on-one support for a student with special needs, please see the following information to apply with Social Service Consultants to work at Phelps Luck Elementary School: 


Robert Tencher
Social Service Consultants Ltd



Family File Information

Please help by ensuring your child’s emergency information is up-to-date at all times.  If you ever have any changes, please update your info by going to  HCPSS Connect and updating that particular section. Thank you!!!


Opting In to Text Messages

Text Messaging

How can I opt-in to receiving text messages?


Text the work “YES” to 67587 from the wireless device you wish to receive texts on.


I received a text message that says if from SchoolMessenger.  What does it mean?


An opt in invitation message was sent by HCPSS using SchoolMessenger from 67587 and said:

Howard County Public Schools alerts. Reply Y for approx. 5 msgs/mo.  Txt HELP 4 info.  Msg&data rates may apply.  See schoolmessenger.com/tm


To continue receiving text messages, reply with Y.  If you do not reply, you will not receive any future text alerts from School Messenger, the HCPSS News service provider.  Text alerts include weather-related closings and emergency information.


School Counselor Update:

This year, the counseling team is providing the opportunity for you to refer your student to talk to a school counselor.  If your student is experiencing something at home, struggling with school, or could just use an adult connection, please feel free to complete the form below.  We are here to support your student with anything that may be getting in the way of their learning and being the best falcon they can be.  Once the form is completed, counselors will connect with your student, as they are able.  Please feel free to contact Andrea Stremmel, School Counselor, at 410.313.6886 or andrea_stremmel@hcpss.org with any questions or concerns.  https://forms.gle/5aN15LfPxvcfhQXu6


Calling for the Watchdogs!

Our school has a fabulous volunteer program for fathers and father-figures. It is called WATCH D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students). The WATCH D.O.G.S. Program is an innovative program being used by schools across America, which helps them to be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their student's life. Our goal is to have you spend at least one day this year at the school to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears. Please contact watchdogs@phelpsluckpta.org for more information from Ms. McGraw (Assistant Principal) or Mr. Wacha (Watchdogs Coordinator).  Thank you!


Free and Reduced Meals Information

Each year, families are required to complete the Free and Reduced Meals application.  Information can be found at the link:  https://www.hcpss.org/food-services/farms/#opportunities






Curious about what is going on in GT at PLES? Follow us on twitter!



News from the PTA

Holiday Secret Shop

Sign up for some holiday/winter themed crafting fun! The PLES tradition will be held virtually this year on Thursday, December 16th at 6:30pm. Craft supplies will be provided (available for pickup in the lobby starting 12/13) and participants will learn to make four holiday crafts. A zoom link will be provided to those who are registered (limited to 75 students). Follow link to register:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4FA4AC2CA4FF2-secret1



Starting right now, you can earn fundraising dollars for Phelps Luck PTA by participating in our new Scrip program! This easy-to-use program means you earn fundraising dollars by purchasing electronic gift cards to an extensive list of large businesses (Target, Amazon, Giant, Old Navy, Lowes, etc.) and a percentage of that sale is returned to the PTA as fundraising dollars. This program is starting up just in time for holiday shopping and will continue year-round. Visit https://shop.shopwithscrip.com/GetStarted and select “Join a Scrip Program” under the heading For Families. Our Enrollment Code is BRWAATM9HK7P.

See more details on this fundraising program in our PTA flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dk4C34r2OTSYVUyAzUv3bd7vGoRPtPtb/view?usp=sharing


Clothing Bin

Our Clothing Bin is still accessible all year long!  Please feel free to donate any items to our Clothing Bin in our school parking lot.  This is a fundraiser and supports our PTA!  Please place all items in a closed trash bag before placing the bag in the bin.  Thank you!!!


From the Community

Read the Rainbow with Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell

Join this virtual event on Saturday, January 8th 2022 @ 1:00pm to meet author team Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, who will read and discuss their book, And Tango Makes Three. This is a FREE book club and open to ALL (students, parents, educators, and community members). The first 50 families registering with preschool and/or elementary aged children will receive a free copy of the book!


To join, please complete the following registration form: https://forms.gle/Q7W1tcH1eNUbNsKUA