Arrival and Dismissal Information
It is important to be patient during arrival and dismissal. If you help by following this plan, you will get through the car loop line faster. The carefully planned logistics of arrival and dismissal help us keep our students, staff, parents, and visitors safe.
Please do not park along Oldstone Court. This ties up incoming and exiting cars and buses.
All car riders are dismissed on the parking lot side of the building. They are expected to be dropped off and picked up in the car loop (school parking lot).
Most walkers are dismissed behind the building on the blacktop/playground area. This gives them access to the paths behind the school and along High Tor Hill. Students crossing High Tor Hill should walk along the side of the school and Oldstone Court to access the crosswalk. They should cross at High Tor Hill and Red Lake Court with the crossing guard.
Students who walk from areas that egress off Phelps Luck Drive can exit the building from the car loop side and use the path next to the neighborhood center and pool. This gives them access to cross Phelps Luck Drive at Greywing Court safely.
NOTE: Please do not park or drop off students at Antrim Pl, Freelark Pl, and Watercress Pl. These are residential streets, and students are not supervised there.
It is everyone’s responsibility to be safe during arrivals and dismissals.
Below, you will find a helpful graphic for arrival and dismissal.