Newsletter 1/29/21

Mon, 02/01/2021 - 11:24am

   Important Dates

January 29                            No School – Professional Work Day

                                             Conference Scheduling Opens for Parents (see below)

February 2                            11:00 am BBMS Schedule Info Sessions (see below)

February 3                            9-11 am Reading MAP (see below)

                                    5:00 pm BBMS Schedule Info Session (see below)

February 9                            PTA Dine-Out with Texas Roadhouse – 3 pm to close

February 10                          9-11 am Math MAP (see below)

                                             Parent Conferences

February 11                          Parent Conferences – 3 Hour Early Dismissal

February 12                          No School – Staff Work Day

February 15                          No School – Presidents’ Day



From the Principal. . .

Dear Phelps Luck Families,


As you may be aware, the Board of Education voted earlier this week on a plan for students to return to school in a hybrid-model.  We will share updates as new information becomes available.  You should have received an email today so that you can select options for your child(ren).  Please complete the survey by Friday, February 5th.  Below is a link to the HCPSS website where other details are shared that can help you as you make your decisions.

Also, this newsletter has important information regarding parent conferences on February 10th and 11th, Quarter 2 grading, and the MAP Assessment.  Please review it carefully and contact me at with any questions!


Michelle M. Leader



School News


BBMS 6th Grade Schedule Info Sessions:

BBMS will hold open sessions for parents to ask questions about courses on the following dates:

● Tuesday, February 2 @ 11:00am Google Meet Code:

● Wednesday, February 3 @ 5:00pm Google Meet Code:


Conference Information

Directions to Select a Conference Time (Scheduling Open 1/29/21 – 2/5/21):

February 10th and 11th are designated for Parent Teacher Conferences.  We will be holding 20 minute conferences. Parent Teacher Conferences are a terrific opportunity for staff and parents to partner together for each child’s success.  All conferences will be held virtually with your child’s Math teacher.  Your child’s Math teacher will be sending out specifics about this.  We encourage you to use your child’s chromebook and login using your child’s credentials. 

Once you click on the link, you will be put in a “holding space” until the teacher admits you.  Because many conferences will be back-to-back, please only log on one minute before your designated time.  If you have technology challenges, check Dojo or email as your child’s teacher will reach out to you that way.

Beginning Friday, January 29th at 8 am, you can log into HCPSS Connect  to view and select from the time slots provided by the teacher for the conference.  If you do not have access to HCPSS Connect, please call the school for assistance at 410-313-6886.


Directions to Select a Conference Time:

Login to

Select Conferences

Select Parent Scheduled Conferences

Select a time slot for your conference.


HCPSS Connect 

Parent Conference Registration 

Howard County Public School System ✪ Data Management ✪ Document: SYN073 ✪ Revision Date: 10/27/2020  =Warning =Timesaver =Note 

Register for a Conference 

1. Log into HCPSS Connect.  

2. In the Navigation pane, select Conference and click the Parent Scheduled Conferences link in the top right corner to schedule conferences.